[TenTec] give my motorized wheelchair mobile a call!
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 17:22:26 -0400
I have completed my motorized wheelchair mobile ham radio station. you can
c a pix of me in my motorized wheelchair using my ham radio by clicking on
I will be calling CQ on SSB at 21:00 GMT or 5 P.M. New York time each day on
18.138 MHz. Give me a call if you hear me. I'll be using a Yaesu FT-100D
ham transceiver with a Miracle Whip antenna. The radio is being powered by
my 22NF vent battery. My radio's power output will be 15 watts. I've heard
Eastern Europe and talked to stations in Florida and Texas from my
wheelchair in Levittown, NY. So say hi if u hear my CQ.
Bob, KZ2G --- 10-10 # 10148
Omni 6 Plus & FT-100D, C U on CW!
See my Ham web at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/kz2g.htm
Check out my Art Sale at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/Artpage1.htm