[TenTec] Scout,Omni,TS 850 transmit

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer geraldj@isunet.net
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 09:43:19 -0500

Poor transmitter intermod is noticed first by users of adjacent
frequencies as monkey chatter and splatter. IN the ault days of tube
finals going for third order of -30 gave a super 5th order and the
higher order intermod products were hard to find. Solid state finals
tend to have much greater higher order intermod products that spread out
much further across the bands. Add to that broadband noise from the
amplifiers and the whole noise floor of the bands rise just due to less
than perfect transmitters.

When listening to the distorted signal, the receiver filter helps clean
up some of the IMD products to make the signal sound better. That's why
a scope on a receiver after the filter really tells little about the
quality of the transmitted signal.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

Entire content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer.
Reproduction by permission only.