[TenTec] Scout,Omni,TS 850 transmit
Mike Hyder -N4NT-
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 17:46:08 -0400
the d-104's of later vintage had an amplifier in the base. those in the
know bypassed it.
Mike N4NT
----- Original Message -----
From: "robert k stephens" <bstephens1@mindspring.com>
To: <geraldj@isunet.net>
Cc: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2002 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Scout,Omni,TS 850 transmit
| Given 50 watts output, and careful modulation, are the Scout's 3rd order
| -25 and 5th order -35 sufficient for a clean signal ?
| p.s I was monitoring my signal on a Kenwood today and feel that the hand
| mic is a bit bassy but not that is just taste. I was offered a loan of of
| ten tec wired D 104 and although I didn't have a chance to hear it myself
| and did make a contact with it. The guy I contacted listened to the hand
| mic and the D 104 and said the D 104 was *much better so if the bands
| co-operate I'll try to have some fun with the D 104 and see how it does. I
| understand a D 104 can easily overdrive a modern rig so I'll try to be
| careful about that.
| 73
| Bob KB1CIW
| At 09:43 AM 8/24/02 -0500, Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer
| >Poor transmitter intermod is noticed first by users of adjacent
| >frequencies as monkey chatter and splatter. IN the ault days of tube
| >finals going for third order of -30 gave a super 5th order and the
| >higher order intermod products were hard to find. Solid state finals
| >tend to have much greater higher order intermod products that spread out
| >much further across the bands. Add to that broadband noise from the
| >amplifiers and the whole noise floor of the bands rise just due to less
| >than perfect transmitters.
| >
| >When listening to the distorted signal, the receiver filter helps clean
| >up some of the IMD products to make the signal sound better. That's why
| >a scope on a receiver after the filter really tells little about the
| >quality of the transmitted signal.
| >
| >73, Jerry, K0CQ
| >
| >--
| >Entire content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer.
| >Reproduction by permission only.
| >
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