[TenTec] Jupiter tx shut down

Paul DeWitte K9OT k9ot@mhtc.net
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 20:08:31 -0500

I have a Jupiter about 3 months old. I took it with me on vacation and set
up on sunday evening. Everything worked fine until friday evening. The
transmit quit cold. It had never had a transmit problem before. In trying to
find the problem I discovered that if I took off the top and bottom covers
it would run ok. With them on it would quit from a cold start in a few
minutes. I ran it that way (top and bottom off) for 2 days without a glitch.
The night before we came home I thought I would put them back on and run it
that way so it would be quicker to pack up. In a few minutes it quit again,
so off came the top and bottom until we packed up to leave. Now that I am
back at home, today I started to try to trace down the problem. It again
shut down in a few minutes with the covers on. This time I transmitted into
a dummy load at about half power output. It came down to that if I left the
top off it would keep running and as soon as I put the top back on it would
quit in about 2 minutes. It has always had recieve. Just the transmitter
failed. When I touched the box in back that I presume has the finals in it,
it is very warm. Has anyone had this problem? If it just sets on recieve the
heat sink is cold  and it only draws a couple amps. Any suggestions before I
call T T? Thanks 73 Paul K9OT