[TenTec] Jupiter firmware problems & Ten-Tec quality control...

Michael Melland w9wis@charter.net
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 19:26:52 -0500

> Be glad that this is TenTec, they fix things. If this
> was a rice box, maybe after 6 months they would send
> your radio back to you.

Yep and from what I have been reading from others and experienced with my
own Yaesu FT-817 (no longer own it) some of those rice boxes come with an
added feature.... automatic update.  When the PA section fries as it willor
has in at least 10% or more of the 817's they will let you send it back for
repair and updates <grin>.  And they are more then happy to charge you for
the service if after one year. Even for horrid QC or design flaws on their

Mike, W9WIS
Counting down to 516 time ....