[TenTec] PTO stability
Clark Savage Turner
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 21:43:17 -0700
An old topic, I remember this being discussed, but can't find my old
notes. Anyone have a few hints or suggestions to slowing down the drift
in my Ten Tec PTO? I have rebuilt it, the drift is over 1 KHz in an
hour and it continues, but slows down, for many hours. I suspect I need
to change the temp compensating cap in there and I have a friend with
many boxes of temp compensating caps I can use to try.
Has anyone chosen caps for their PTO and has any simple, basic advice
that would help me? I am not trying for perfection, I just need a few
hints to get down to 20 or 40 Hz drift after a little warmup, like my
other PTO.
Any tip at all appreciated. I have a freq counter and plan to tack
solder in the replacement caps, then take some data and see where I get
after a few tries. Make sense?