[TenTec] IF-DSP: More, less, or more or less? You choose.

Mark Erbaugh mark@microenh.com
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 18:02:26 -0400


Thanks for the thoughtful comments.

> The Orion is most certainly "an order of magnitude" increase in
> When our competitor's radio's are measuring 69 to 73 dB of 5 kHz spacing
> two tone third order dynamic range and we are planning on delivering 100+,
> I'd term that a couple of orders of magntiude.   HUGE difference!

I haven't seen (or heard) the Orion yet. However, will going from 69 db to
100+ mean I can actually hear (and work) 10 times more stations with
otherwise the same setup?

> Because as time progresses, your current top of the line SDR as described
> would someday be woefully inadequate for receiver performance, just as
> the top of the line gear from 15 years ago is today.   Count on it.

Don't you think we're getting to the point where improved performance can
only be measured in the laboratory, not in day to day operation?
