[TenTec] Oil discussion

Richard H. Aubin richa@cox.net
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 20:07:09 -0400

Hi all,

   Just joined the mailing list and find all the discussions 
informative.  As for the on-going thread about oil, I've found the best to 
use is readily available at your local Sewing Machine repair place. Just 
get a good quality sewing machine oil.  Not 3 in 1 or WD-40 and 
such.  Sewing machine oil is a non-petroleum based oil especially designed 
to not congeal when the metal parts have long periods of inactivity.  Using 
a petroleum based oil on a sewing machine will really "gum up" the works in 
short time.  It sounds like the perfect solution for various tuner / radio 
shaft lubrication.

    I have another "related" question about a "squeaking" dial but will 
post that to a new thread.

        Rich  WA1TRY

mailto: richa@cox.net     or    rich@pcphotovideo.com

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