[TenTec] FS: Omni VI....showroom quality......K8ML....Mark Lelsie
Mark Leslie
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 22:44:59 -0400
FS...Omni VI....absolutely beautiful condition....face and case are =
perfect....looks like it was made 6 months ago.....operates =
flawlessly....filters are 2.4...1.8....and a 500 hz.....also has the =
Option 1 DSP Upgrade.....I have 2 of these , so I am letting 1 =
go....also have a Omni V {not for sale}.......so it is just not needed =
now.....priced for a quick sale .....first $1000.00 takes it...buyer =
pays shipping.....Tnx....rr1632@dragonbbs.com
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