[TenTec] Omni VI mic audio mystery
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 10:03:03 -0800 (PST)
Rob, could the mike gain been turned down too far?
--- "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Here's an interesting thing that happened over the
> weekend with my Omni VI:
> I ragchewed with my regular roundtable on 75 meters
> Saturday night on my
> Omni. All was well. I was trying out a new
> transmatch in the feedline. No
> problems with it. Sunday morning I put the old
> transmatch in the feedline &
> turned on the Omni VI & set it up to check into a
> net on 20 m. phone & tuned
> the matching network to the net frequency with a swr
> analyzer. At net time,
> mic keys radio but no USB output. Turn on processor
> and switch multimeter
> over to processor & speak into mic. Nothing on the
> meter. Bad mic? (Mic
> is a Heil goldline.) Net has been going on for 10
> minutes so give up on
> Omni & switch over to Corsair II and hook Heil up to
> it. Mic and Corsair
> work fine; check into net etc. After net decide to
> mess with Omni some
> more; hook mic back to it. Now Omni works fine.
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