[TenTec] Herc II Power Supply... End of Story !

Michael Melland w9wis@charter.net
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 22:19:49 -0600

Got my power supplies ( 2ea RS-70M Astrons) today via UPS.  Headed home at 4
and went right to work.  Adjusted voltages on each amp to same, made custom
cables out of #2 welding cable (great stuff to work with.... very flexable)
for all..... carefully hooked everything up.

End of story is that it all interfaces and works great.  The Herc II tracks
my Omni V.9 in remote and I get full power out o all bands.  There is no
detectable voltage sag from the supplies and they easily supply more then
the needed amperage.  I was only able to operate for about a half hour
tonight after finishing everything and the fans on the suplies never even
came on.  They seem to be ballanced very well.... each putting out 40 amps
or so...

The Herc is amazing.... what a NICE amplifier !!  Now I know what I WAS
missing all those years <grin>.

Michael Melland, W9WIS
Winneconne, Wisconsin USA EN54pc
qrp-l #1656 - qrparci # 9875 - iparc #252
ars #1075  -  http://webpages.charter.net/w9wis/