[TenTec] Re: Flamed by a customer.

Arthur Bernstein n2ka@optonline.net
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 23:56:35 -0500

I've been sitting on the sidelines taking it all in. I very much enjoyed
Scott's long, well thought out, sensible, poignant and proactive reply
to the gentleman who had the need to bitch and complain about what I
can't recall, nor do I care to recall!!
Surely, it's a rarity, in this day and age, when a representitive of a
manufacturer can candidly address a public forum with the forthrightness
and honesty that we have seen. There were no smoke screens, double talk
or B.S. This is what the American Free Enterprise system should be
about! Make an honest product at a fair price, sell it, support it, be
open to compliments and criticism. It's very true that there have been
pieces of ham gear on the market over the years that have been superior
to their Tentec counterparts. No one is saying that Tentec's products
are beyond reproach. What we have to understand and appreciate, that
regardless of the range of quality of its gear, Tentec remains a
positive symbol of what embodies the true American spirit and what
Capitalism should be.
With this being said, lets get on with ham radio, Tentec Style and lets
stop this carping and back biting. It's getting old and tiresome.
Happy Holidays to all!!
Art, N2KA..