[TenTec] Re: Zero beat an Omni VI

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj@hotmail.com
Fri, 06 Dec 2002 15:10:34 +0000

Harry's right; you hold down cw & tune the rx beat note so its audio freq. 
matches the frequency of your side tone.

I have had a few problems with this method.  I don't have really spot on 
pitch so it's hard for me to match the tones.  In a contest or pileup with 
lots of sigs in the passband it's even harder.  I have to back off the gain 
to hear the side tone or crank up the side tone to hear it with the received 
signals.  Then when txing the side tone is too loud.  Or, I'm spending time 
trying 500 and 250 hz. filters to cut out the distracting signals.  This is 
probably the biggest dissatisfaction I have with what is otherwise a great 
transceiver.  I prefer the Corsair II for cw because it has a spot button 
that eliminates the rx offset so you simply press it, tune to zerobeat the 
signal you want to work, let up on the button and wala, there you are.  I 
guess for some reason that was not possible in the Omni design.
One of my long range projects is an audio circuit with an LED to give me a 
visual zero beat indicator.  I know I've seen some in the journals for that 
over the years.

Rob Atkinson

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