[TenTec] 75 meter problem
Andy Bullington
Sat, 7 Dec 2002 10:39:51 -0500
I have an interesting problem I'm hoping someone has come across. I have =
an Omni V.9 and operate mostly CW and a little SSB on 20 meters=20
and above.
I checked into a 75 meter net this morning at 3925.00 and found everyone =
to be at 3924.80. No problem. Then everyone said I was off frequency on =
the low side. I ended up setting a split and when transmitting at 3925 =
everyone said I was dead on. So I use the calibration feature and =
calibrate the receive so everyone else is on 3925. You guessed =
it....when transmitting simplex on the "new" 3925 I was too low again. =
Ok. Went up to 17 meters and called CQ and was answered dead on =
frequency. My contact confirmed I was on 18140....just as I thought. =
I'm wondering if its an LSB problem at this point. I've worked a few DX =
stations in the past couple days on 10 and 15 SSB so I think I'm ok on =
those bands. Haven't had any luck on 40 this morning but all my CW calls =
have been answered and the CW is LSB...
Any ideas?
Andy W1AWB
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