Winston F. Jones Winston F. Jones" <winjones@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 16:43:23 -0500

I'm cleaning my shack of some odds and ends so I can get a little =
Christmas money.

TEN-TEC T-kit Model 1340. 40-meter QRP. Built about 3 years ago, works =
fine. Freq. coverage about 7.00 to 7.06. Coil can be rewound for =
coverage in other part of band. Very good condition, works great, with =
manual. $65 shipped CONUS.

JUNKER Ten-Tec TX-100 novice transmitter. I bought this thinking it =
might be fixable, but it's not. Somebody heavily butchered it. Only =
original front panel, a few knobs and some of internal parts remain. =
Weird homebrew cabinet. No transformer or power supply.  Sad situation, =
but it might be a source of a few parts for an owner of a good TX-100. =
No schematic of what's here. $30 shipped CONUS.

TEN-TEC PM-2A, with a homebrew power supply, speaker/amplifier attached =
to it. This is not my doing either. Bought it this way. The face is in =
good shape and unit might be restorable. It does seem to work now, can =
pick up signals on it. Drilling in side panels to attach handles. Not =
sure what back of PM looks like as that is where the power supply/amp =
unit attaches. Sold as-in, no guarantees, but you may be able to do =
something with it. Have original Ten-Tec manual plus some hand drawn =
schematics of what original owner was apparently doing or trying to do. =
$50 shipped CONUS.

SMALL WONDER LABS GM-30 QRP transceiver, 30 meters. Built in a nice =
Radio Shack case with panel lettering. Did this myself.  Everything =
really neat except the speaker grill on top. It could be redone  easily. =
With Manual $60 shipped CONUS.

TRAC MEMORY KEYER Model TE-292. Non-working. It keys O.K. as code =
oscillator, but keeps the transceiver keyed all the time when plugged =
in. No manual and not sure of problem. $15 shipped CONUS.

JEM Electronics JK-1E keyer, non-working. Not sure of problem. But =
built-in Ham Key red paddles worth price alone. $20 shipped CONUS.

TEN-TEC CENTURY Model 670 keyer case, with paddle but minus keyer board. =
I  used board to install inside my Century 22. $15 shipped CONUS.

Will take $175 for whole batch of goodies or make me an offer.
73, Winston  K4CWQ

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