[TenTec] FS: Corsair II complete station

Vernon J. Kunes, Jr. vern@mantlelamp.com
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 16:02:20 -0500

I'm going to hate myself for this. Nice, late model Corsair II station, =
complete with External VFO, 961 PS/SPKR. and 705 mike, all in original =
cartons. 500hz CW is only optional filter. Bought in late 89. Radio has =
scratch in top cover in back, not into metal. Back to TT in 2000; have =
paperwork. PTO in ext VFO a litle stiff, but works fine. Only thing not =
checked is keyer in radio. Original books. $775 and buyer pays shipping =
and insurance from 14507. Email me for more pics, if you need them. =
Happy Holidays. Vern N2YZS

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