Winston F. Jones
Winston F. Jones" <winjones@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 16:15:19 -0500
I'm doing more shack cleaning. Have several Ten-Tec and non-Ten Tec =
accessory items at cheap prices. All prices include shipping in the =
continental US.
Ten-Tec desk microphone, the old banana-type, light gray front and base, =
charcoal back. Matches Triton IV, with 3-conductor phone plug, as used =
on Triton, Argonaut, Delta, etc., straight, non-curly cord, $30
Ten-Tec TX-100 parts. Got this in a trade. Someone butchered up a TX-100 =
to build this. Some parts such as tubes, meter, circuit board, front and =
back panels. No transformer or power supply parts. As-is, doesn't work. =
Good for parts only. $30
MFJ-721, CW/SSB audio filter, good condition, works, a few nicks on the =
cabinet. Matches the Ten-Tec Argonaut 505 and 509 and early Triton I and =
II. No manual. $30
B&W portable window antenna, 40 through 10 meters, with interchangeable =
coils, cointerpoise wire, coax. Can be updated with new coil from B&W =
that replaces individual coils, $30
Sencore transistor/FET tester, with manual, no test leads. Big size, lab =
quality. Believe it works, bought it, never tried it out. $30.
Heathkit G-5 signal generator, very old tube model. Worked the one time =
I tried it. From about 150 kc to 100 MHz. No guarantees, as-is, $15.
Heathkit desk microphone, with two-pin Heath plug. Wouldn't work on my =
HW-101. Might be low impedence. Selling as-is. $15.
GE desk microphone, light grey color, like Shure 444, wired with =
3-conductor phone plug for older Ten-Tecs. Works good, $25.
73, Winston K4CWQ
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