[TenTec] look ma, no instructions!
William Mansey; WA2PVK
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 22:49:21 -0500
In reality - - - I make a diagram AND use mark the wires, and other
disassembled items, with masking tape. The tape can be written on and is
easily removable afterward. Most "good" masking tape leaves no residue
Another option available due to the lower cost of decent digital cameras is
to actually take pictures, regular and close up, from various angles. As
the saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand words"
While on the subject of pictures, digital or conventional, it is a good idea
to take pictures of your "stuff" and keep these in a safe place. Should
something "unfortunate" happen you will have something to show to your
insurance company. Once again; A picture is worth - - -
Happy Holidays everyone. 73, Bill
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