[TenTec] Need JPS NIR-10 EPROM

KD5NWA KD5NWA@MBayona.com
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 18:33:51 -0600

I would also be interested and I have a Prom Burner, so all I would need is 
the HEX file.


At 03:47 PM 12/27/2002, Michael M. Felack wrote:
>Does anyone in the group have a defunct NIR-10 DSP with Version 4 software
>or else the ability to clone the EPROM for me?
>I would like to upgrade mine to the latest software revision but JPS no
>longer supports or maintains parts for the old ham DSP boxes.
>TNX ES 73...
>Mike WA3WOM
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