[TenTec] Some Paragon Mods

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw@Blomand.Net
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 21:02:17 -0600

Good mods.  I've used them for years with a great deal of success and
pleasure.  Especially the 22 uf cap at C46 does wonders for the AGC.

There's also one that changes the audio gain control AF to expand it's range
so it's not "bunched up" at the counter-clockwise end.  I'll look it up and
post it.

I've found that a couple of 1N4001 or equiv diodes connected in series and
inserted in series with the meter lamps make them last a lot longer.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bwana Bob" <wb2vuf@gti.net>
To: "Ten Tec" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:10 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Some Paragon Mods

> Here are some mods that I just put into my Paragon (I):
> If slow AGC is too fast for you, pull the IF/AF board and change C46
> from 10 uf to 22 uf. Fast AGC is unaffected. If  22 uf makes it too
> slow, try 16 uf. I'm trying 22 uf, for now.
> My RF gain control has always been touchy: Crank it back below 12
> o'clock and the signal level abruptly drops to nil. Here's a fix to
> improve it:  On the IF/AF board, change R47 from 4.7 k to 10 k. Also on
> the POT board connect a 22 k resistor from the high voltage side of the
> RF gain POT to the wiper.
> If you Paragon audio stage oscillates when using the internal speaker,
> check connector 57 on the sidetone board for a poor connection on the
> shield ground. Make sure the shield is tight in the plug, and check the
> socket for tarnish I put a little De-oxit on the connector pins and
> mated and unmated the connector several times to wipe the contacts
> clean.
> If you ever remove the sidetone board, make sure that you don't forget
> the plastic shoulder washers that insulate it from the chassis. If toy
> ground the board, it will cause a ground loop resulting in audio hum.
> 73,
> Bob WB2VUF
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