[TenTec] Re: RX-340 and Noise Reduction

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:08:11 -1000


UPS driver delivered the 599zx just after lunch time.

Wow, hooked up in only a few minutes.  Quick look
at quick instructions, and bam --- noise level dropped
a bunch of dBs!  Just what I was hoping for.

Now I am hearing DX,  calling and calling,  but they
are not hearing me!  But, just finished calling the SO7U
for 45 minutes or so;  I am "pretty sure"  he came
back to me,  as QSB was pretty steep.  I know he
said "something 7M".  Hot dog,  I went back to him
with 1500 out,  and at the right time he said "QSL"
and immediately QRZ.  He was working split down:
he at 18165 near the top of the US 17 meter band
I caught him, if I did get in his log,  at 18156 or so.
Just have to wait and see.

Will try to catch them on another band for "insurance".

However,  I could not have heard him without the 599zx!

More info to follow after I get some more hours under
the belt with this new gadget and the RX-340.

73,  Jim  KH7M