[TenTec] Type of Speech Processing in Jupiter/Pegasus?

George, W5YR w5yr@att.net
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 13:50:42 -0600

Soft compressors and clippers have been used for years and are effective
for FM and AM modes, but can have limited effectiveness for SSB. The
problem is that if the processing is made aggressive enough to be
effective, the distortion products increase rapidly. It ends up a Catch-22
situation. The wattmeter goes up but articulation goes down.

The r-f clipping and filtering approach which prevents the distortion
products from appearing in the output passband is still regarded by most
folks as the most effective process to both increase average power and
increase articulation.

72/73/oo, George W5YR - the Yellow Rose of Texas         
Fairview, TX 30 mi NE of Dallas in Collin county EM13qe   
Amateur Radio W5YR, in the 56th year and it just keeps getting better!
QRP-L 1373 NETXQRP 6 SOC 262 COG 8 FPQRP 404 TEN-X 11771
Icom IC-756PRO #02121  Kachina #91900556  IC-765 #02437

All outgoing email virus-checked by Norton Anti-Virus 2002

Joe Word wrote:
> What about distortion and gain?
> Joe  K9MAN
> Absolutely correct Carl. It is the digital
> implementation of a logarithmic
> operational amplifier. Best way to increase average
> power.