[TenTec] Re: N4PY Pegasus/Jupiter Software is expiring
Jerry Harley
Thu, 03 Jan 2002 14:14:20 -0500
When I purchased your software nothing was said about yearly
registration. Your starting to sound like Microsoft and Norton. I find
the software very nice but have no interest in subscribing for any
dollar amount let loan $35. As I use my Jupiter almost from the front
panel I'll pass. Jerry
Carl Moreschi wrote:
> Your registration for the N4PY Pegasus/Jupiter Control Program
> will expire at the end of the January. In order to continue
> to get new updates at 1 to 2 month intervals, you need to renew
> your annual registration. The registration amount is $35.00
> in US Dollars. You can either send a personal check to
> Carl Moreschi
> 173 Cody's Way
> Franklinton, NC 27525
> or you can use PayPal. For PayPal, just send the $35 via PayPal
> to my email address of n4py@earthlink.net
> Below is a current product listing.
> In order to get my Pegasus, Jupiter, rx320, rx331, or rx340
> software, you must be a registered user. Over the past year,
> there has been a new software version of the Pegasus/Jupiter
> software each month. As a registered user, you will receive
> free updates as they come out each month for a period of 1 year.
> The updates are emailed to you as they come out. There is no
> website. The Pegasus/Jupiter software has been reviewed in the
> May 2001 QST on page 65. There are also several reviews on my
> software at www.eham.net
> To become a registered user for my Pegasus/Jupiter software, mail
> a check for $35 in US dollars to
> Carl Moreschi
> 173 Cody's Way
> Franklinton, NC 27525
> Make the check payable to Carl Moreschi and PLEASE
> include your EMAIL address. You can now also use PayPal.
> Send the money to n4py@earthlink.net to use PayPal.
> If you do not have internet access and want the software on
> diskette, there is an additional charge of $10.00 for
> a diskette mailed directly to you.
> Products:
> Pegasus/Jupiter Software
> Annual Registration $35.00
> This is the N4PY Pegasus Control Program.
> It will control a Pegasus or Jupiter. Additionally,
> it will allow an RX-320 to be used as a sub-receiver
> to the Pegasus/Jupiter with the RX-320 following VFO B.
> This allows for full dual receive capabilty for DXer's.
> The program will also allow two Pegasus/Jupiter's to run
> together with one acting as the sub-receiver. The
> software also allows the seemless use of transverters
> for the VHF/UHF bands with the display showing
> the transverter frequency.
> RX-320 Software
> Annual Registration $25.00
> This is the N4PY RX-320 Control Program.
> It is very similar in appearance to the Pegasus/Jupiter
> Software. It allows the use Ten-Tec's 6 and 2 meter
> transverters. It has provisions to allow the RX-320
> to be used as a sub-receiver for the Omni VI, Omni V.9,
> and the Paragon II.
> RX-331/RX-340 Software
> First time Registration $100.00
> Annual renewal registration $35.00
> This software marries the RX-331 or RX-340 top of
> the line receivers with a Pegasus or Jupiter to allow
> full transceive operation. The RX-331/RX-340 becomes
> the main receiver with the Pegasus/Jupiter receiver
> following VFO B to allow full dual receive. This is
> a dynamite setup representing the ultimate transceiver
> configuration. The software will also allow the RX-331
> or RX-340 to be used standalone without a Pegasus or
> Jupiter. There is a small modification required to the
> Pegasus/Jupiter to allow the two receivers to share the
> same antenna. Also, a fairly simple interface box must
> be constructed for the software to control muting between
> the two radios. There is a review of this software at
> www.eham.net under HF Transceivers "Ten-Tec RX340/Pegasus
> System".
> Carl Moreschi N4PY
> Franklinton, NC