[TenTec] PS's 961 and 962
Jim Reid
Thu, 3 Jan 2002 13:23:21 -1000
Ok, what is the difference between the Ten Tec
power supplies, 961 and 962. I guess the 961's
are of Corsair era vintage, while the 2's have been
around for the Omni's; but not sure if that is even a true
story. They sure have the same appearance; only
slight delta I can "see" is that the colored ball within
the Ten Tec logo is more orange in the 961 model,
and more apple red on the 962, hi.
Someone posted a while back that he thought the
961 was "better"; a transformer change being the
difference. But the details, I don't know. They
seem to have the same voltage/current ratings,
at least near as I can tell.
Anybody know details, or why one would be thought?
of as better than the other and reasons?
Thanks and 73, Jim KH7M