[TenTec] RE: Next Filter
John Clifford
Sun, 6 Jan 2002 19:40:26 -0800
I commonly use both the 500 and 250 Hz filters in the 6 Mhz IF for PSK31
decoding, and find that when combined with PBT they are just the ticket for
eliminating interference from strong signals.
I also have the 500 Hz RTTY filter in the narrow slot, but find that
cascading filters doesn't really buy me much. To cascade filters in PSK, I
tune the rig so that the desired signal will be in the passband of the 9 Mhz
narrow filter (you can determine where this is by pressing the 'NAR' button
and seeing which part of the spectrum remains, pressing 'NAR' again to turn
off the filter, and then tuning accordingly). Then, I select NAR, and then
'500', and fiddle with the PBT knob until I get the desired results.
Summary: The 6 Mhz IF 500 and 250 Hz CW filters are extremely useful for
both CW and PSK and should be obtained by any Omni owner working these
modes. The 9 Mhz filters are, IMO, not nearly as critical, but they can be
John Clifford KD7KGX
Heathkit HW-9 WARC/HFT-9/HM-9
Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2
...waiting _eagerly_ for KPA2!
Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1
email: kd7kgx@arrl.net