[TenTec] Tone(s) on Pegasus receive
Mon, 7 Jan 2002 17:10:07 -0600
You know I too have noticed these tones in my Pegasus, and while not loud
enough to be objectionable most of the time, they do tend to get a bit
aggravating at times. I know Tentec says the radio is operating within spec
and I have no big problem with that, but if the "birdies" could be made to
fly away with something as simple as a firmware upgrade, then one would
think Tentec would cure the problem with a future firmware upgrade.
Just my 2 cents worth.
de Benton wb5twc
----- Original Message -----
From: <Dan.Newby@cti-pet.com>
To: <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Tone(s) on Pegasus receive
> I found those tones, or birdies ( if what you guys are talking about is
> same thing I hear), on my Jupiter when I first loaded ver. 1.5 of Ten
> software. What I noticed is if I reloaded version 1.4 they were gone. What
> I hear is a tone every 2.5 khz as you spin the dial. I hear them on bands
> that are very quite like 10 meters, or when I hook up the dummy load. Some
> times even 20 meters gets quite enough to hear them, but not very often.
> Normal atmospheric noises cover them up, especially below 20 meters.
> I took mine to Ten Tec and showed them what I was talking about and how
> reloading ver. 1.4 would make them go away. They acknowledged they where
> there but made measurements and said the birdies where below the noise
> floor and within spec and I believe them. Just kind of annoying on 10
> meters.
> I enitialy thought I would just run with ver. 1.4 software, but later
> decided the added features of the noise blanker and speech processor out
> weighed the birdie issue.
> I must say though, that over all I am extremely pleased with the Jupiter.
> In my case, there isn't another rig out right now that I would rather
> even at 3 times the price. The versatility of the Jupiter is fantastic.
> I wonder if they are addressing this in the newer software they must be
> working on that incorporates the LDG auto tuner in the Jupiter?
> Dan
> Duane Grotophorst
> <n9dg@yahoo.com> To: Mark Erbaugh
<mark@microenh.com>, tentec@contesting.com
> Sent by: cc:
> tentec-admin@cont Subject: Re: [TenTec]
Tone(s) on Pegasus receive
> esting.com
> 01/05/2002 07:20
> PM
> Yes these tones are present, I see (and hear) them in
> both of my Peg's, no discernable different between the
> two radios. I'm told that they exist in Jupiter's too.
> Interestingly though I have never found them in the
> RX-320, at least any that are above the noise floor. I
> have also been wondering about the RX-340 and the
> RX-350, is there anyone with one or both of those
> radios who wants to check it out and then comment? I
> am also curious about the 526? All you need to see
> those tones is one of the audio processing programs,
> actually most PSK31 programs would likely do. Just
> fire up the program with the antenna connected to a
> dummy load (or simply just disconnected), then look
> for the really narrow faint lines to scroll down the
> waterfall.
> What you will also find about those tones is that
> there is always one right smack in the middle of
> whatever filter you have selected. Then there is a
> second tone that will step across the filter pass band
> as you tune in frequency steps that match the tuning
> step size you are using. My relative measurements here
> have put them at 10 ? 20 dB above the noise floor of
> the RX pass band. This is a real shame for an RX that
> is otherwise really quiet and has minimal filter pass
> band ripple. But I also have to believe though that
> the problem would correctable if it is given the
> attention it is due.
> "If I tune to a 2.5 kHz multiple and the tone is
> present, then tune 1 Hz away to get the beating tones
> and then tune back to the 2.5 kHz when the beat tones
> are at a null period, I can end up with the tone
> greatly reduced or eliminated."
> Interesting, I had never tried this before today, I
> was able to reduce the tone in the middle of filter
> pass band by 5dB or so. I also think your observations
> about the 2.5 KHz is correct, these tones I suspect
> are an artifact of the somewhat peculiar tuning scheme
> used in the Pegasus. The only operational wart that I
> can really attribute to the tuning scheme is these
> tones.
> "Has anyone else noticed this or is this problem
> unique to my Pegasus, indicating that something is out
> of alignment?"
> I doubt if it is out of alignment. It is also strictly
> in the firmware, the control program has no bearing at
> all on it. It is one of the first things I look at
> whenever a new firmware version comes out.
> "Or is this just a case of me being too critical in my
> analysis?"
> I would say not, this issue is really no less
> important than smooth QSK operation is for example.
> For most day to day SSB, CW, and PSK31 (or SSTV?) work
> they will not too likely be noticeable, however what
> I'm finding with WSJT meteor scatter software is that
> they are proving to be troublesome. WSJT will
> frequently interpet one of those tones as being one of
> its 4 tones that it is looking for in the meteor
> pings. I have not yet tried working with JT43 (a PUA43
> variant) but I am afraid that those tones will make
> the Pegasus unusable, JT43 is designed to work with
> signals ~20dB BELOW the noise, needless to say a spurs
> 40dB higher will be a problem. And as Larry, VA3LK has
> pointed out in his response this problem is not
> totally unique to the Pegasus/Jupiter, I found tones
> and other obnoxious stuff in some the other radios I
> have here, and many of those rigs have significant
> pass band ripple as well.
> 73,
> Duane
> N9DG
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