[TenTec] Corsair Filter Question
Clark Savage Turner
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 09:38:56 -0800 (PST)
On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer wrote:
> The Corsair I came with the four pole filter. The Corsair II came with
> the 8 pole filter in the first IF. Changing the Corsair I is just a
> matter of finding and swapping the filters.
Good point. The Corsair I made swapping the first IF (9 MHz) filter
simple by plug in. Not so for the Corsair II. You might consider,
depending on your tastes, an INRAD 2.8 filter for that slot, it plugs
right in. You can bypass the second IF (6.3 MHz) with a 200 ohm resistor
and .01 cap across it, put the stock 2.4 KHz filter in the 1.8 option
position, then when you come up in SSB mode you can listen through the
single 2.8 filter (a bit more audio) and when you like, switch to the 1.8
position to put the 2.4 KHz filter in line for that stock Ten Tec Corsair