[TenTec] FS: Corsair II

Clark Savage Turner csturner@falcon.csc.calpoly.edu
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 20:52:56 -0800 (PST)

I would like to sell my Corsair II, in wonderful shape, it is a late model
with the TX EN / OUT connectors on the back for full QSK keying.
(First Corsair I've seen with these installed at the factory).  The rig
also comes with the INRAD 2.8 KHz filter in the 9 MHz IF for wider SSB
audio, and the stock ten tec 2.4 KHz filter can be switched in at the 6.3
MHz IF if you want a narrower sound and PBT action.  Happy to demo on the
air, even happier if you come over and try it out - you can then see
the condition of my shack and how I need to clear out some gear, hi hi.
I'd like $600 obo, I'd consider a trade up to a Jupiter, too.
