[TenTec] RE: 516... or why the Orion is more exciting

robert k stephens bstephens1@mindspring.com
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 18:11:49 -0500

John, Stuart and list

I would actually prefer the 516 to cost *more* maybe $1500 . I'd like a
small light weight, portable, high performance, low power transceiver with
sensitive, low noise floor receiver, DSP filtering, excellent sounding cw
and ssb signal,preferably dsp tailoring of transmit as well as receive with
 receive audio that can be tailored to the job at hand (DX QRN or quiet
band ragchew etc)  I don't care about ATU, voice keyer etc.

I guess I'm asking for a 20 watt Orion. As long as I'm dreaming <grin> I
suppose a PC controlled Elecraft with 20 watt amp, mated to a Ten Tec 350
as the 2nd rcvr would come fairly close ;-)

If any company would consider building such a rig it would be Ten Tec
.However I sure they won't since the market for a high end low power dsp
rig must be miniscule. Yes a used Omni comes close but it really isn't a
portable rig.

None of this dreaming really matters - as long as I make contacts with any
rig I'm happy.  73 Bob KB1CIW

At 12:12 AM 1/29/02 -0800, John Clifford wrote:
>Hello Stuart,


>My question on the 516 was, how will this radio appeal to the vast majority
>of hams when an Icom 718 is $100 cheaper, can run QRP, and has a 100w
>transmitter that can be throttled back to QRP?  Or, when the SGC 2020 ADSP
>has comparable performance but is better suited for portable operations
>(conjecture based upon what I know of the two rigs)?
>IMO, the 516 would sell like fireworks on the Fourth of July IF... it could
>be sold at $499 by Ten-Tec, or even less.  Asking $695 for this rig will
>make too many hams go for a YaeComWood QRO box for the same $$.
>I want Ten-Tec to thrive.  I don't think they're gonna thrive on sales of
>the 516, but... having an incredible butt-kicking radio that blows away all
>comers will generate a lot of sales for the Jupiter/Pegasus, and other
>Ten-Tec products from wistful Orion admirers (the "Corvette effect").
>Like you, this is just my opinion...
> - jgc
>John Clifford KD7KGX
>Heathkit HW-9 WARC/HFT-9/HM-9
>Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2
>                  ...waiting _eagerly_ for KPA2!
>Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1
>email: kd7kgx@arrl.net

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