[TenTec] FS: Omni-A/PS/VFO 243

NZ8J timcook@erinet.com
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 22:22:00 -0400

I have a old Ten Tec Omni-A with the matching 252 MO power supply and =
Remote VFO model 243 for sale=20

It has the factory conversion to replace the squelch and audio filters =
only to a Notch control and the capability to add xtal filters to the =
audio filters
comes with the 500hz xtal cw filter
radio has 30 meters and 12 meters added
full power out on all bands
VFO is smooth
looks good
all functions work fine (QSK is super!)
comes with the original manual

252 MO power supply looks and works good
has manual

243 VFO looks good and works, but needs a new dial string, the one in it =
is off and binding up, tunes up from 0 to about 300 khz, then the cord =
gets tight (I don't think it is the vfo binding, but I'll include a =
rebuild kit just in case)
has original  manual

I just bought this setup for the camp, but decided to go with a little =
yaesu qrp rig instead

$280 + shipping for the whole package

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