[TenTec] Triton IV Questions
Tom North
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 12:51:17 -0500
> Read the manual, cover to cover,
> but how do you tell if it has the noise blanker???
Uhhhhh... open it up and look? Ask the previous owner? Of course, you
could find or create some ignition noise (hair blower comes to mind) and
turn the NB on to see if it goes away. If it does have one, you'll be
tickled pink to learn that (IMHO) the Triton IV noise blanker was about =
best one I've ever used in all my years of hamming.
Yep, open it up, and refer to the manual. If it's there, it's there . . =
> Need to pick up a couple plugs for my mics, Shure EM8A, and EV729SRD.
> Will these mics be suitable for the radio?
Not familar with them.
> What do you fellows use for mics?
What's a mic? Arf Arf Arf... A Shure 444D... I've also got a couple of =
Ten*Tec/Electrovoice mics too. Stick to CW and it'll be a non issue :-)
I tried several and stuck with a Shure 440SL after consistently positive =
reports. There may be better, but that one works . . .
Tom North, N5OZQ
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