[TenTec] 60 mtr band
Cara and Randy Randall
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 20:39:5 -0500
I don't know why they would not make
a transverter. They make a couple (20m to 6m and 2m to 6) for 6 meters and
one for 10m to 2m AND there was a mod in QST to put the 2m transverter on
220Mhz. You never know, they just might!
Randy KB8ASO
p.s. I missed out on
buying an unassembled TT 10m to 2m converter at the Indianapolis hamfest for
only $75.00! Nutz!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Notarius WN3VAW
To: tentec@contesting.com
Sent: 7/16/02 20:22:18
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 60 mtr band
I think we got a little snookered here guys... OK, I fell for it
First, the original post had a somewhat incendiary crack about Ten
service that got everyone's dander up, mine included. That's now
in the subsequent post(s) and then replaced with an equally inflammatory
Only" remark, followed by a "wait for someone else's rig"
remark. Should'a
known better.
Therefore, rather than play that game any more, let's discuss a more
positive matter raised in many of the replies:
Do you think there will be enough of a market to justify a commercial
meter transverter, and if so, do you think Ten Tec would make one?
Past experience (ie the WARC bands) leads me to believe that there may
be enough of a market for Ten Tec to make a cost efficient one, sorry
say. Think back... how many WARC transverters do you remember
marketed? And keep in mind that the three WARC bands were
world-wide. Still, it took 10 years or more for all three of the
bands to
finally become availalble, and in that time, enough new equipment
equipped was on the market that the need for a commercial transverter
I would expect that some of the smaller manufacturers (Ramsey MFJ
come to
mind) will come out with "el cheapo" transverters or transverter
kits. And
I wouldn't be surprised if you saw mod articles coming out on how to fix
many of the older rigs, at the sacrifice of a current band switch
(It would be a tough one because 5 - 5.5 was the traditional VFO /
frequency for most of the first generations of SSB transmitters
transceivers, but it could be done). I also expect that someone
will market
a QRP 60 meter monobander soon after the band is announced -- IF we get
(of course).
And hopefully the band will be big enough for both phone
CW. Much as I
enjoy CW, it is a shame that 30 meters is still so small and so power
restricted, as a shared band, that it's a CW digital only
band. Oh well,
maybe one day we can get a little more elbow room there...
60 sounds like it could be a fun band. I'm looking forward to
it, if and
when we get it.
73, ron wn3vaw
"And they give you cash,
which is just as good as money!"
Yogi Berra, AFLAC Commercial, 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: KD7EFQ@aol.com
To: tentec@contesting.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 8:37 PM
Subject: [TenTec] 60 mtr band
I guess acceptance is the word here. Since 60 mtrs is going to be U.S.
DX, then it isn't that big a deal anyway. ( I understand that the AMers
to make it exclusively AM like 30mtrs is with CW anyway) I plan to set up
sattelite station someday , so I'll wait for a Yaesu FT-847 or
TS-2000 that's 60mtr ready and then I'll have both the Sats and 60m.
Thanks for all the replies. 73's Todd.
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