[TenTec] astron blows regulators

Charles Mark Cring n8coo@juno.com
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 02:15:33 +0100

Clark, I have not had that problem with my RS-35M, but first, I would try
contacting Astron's service/engineering dept. and see what they suggest. 
At least they are made in the US where you have a chance to talk with
someone there who possibly knows what typically goes wrong when a
particular problem occurs.   If that doesn't get you anywhere, and if you
don't already have the schematic, they should be able to provide you one
- if they can't, I could mail you a copy of mine.  ( My wiring diagram is
dated January 2000)  It has a chart of the voltages around the 723 both
under no and full load, and other voltages -  I would check those out and
see how they compare. Also check Q2 and the components around it,  esp.
all the caps like C8,9,10,11 they look like bypass type  caps and
probably would be easy/cheap to replace if needed.   Good luck with it!

73 de Mark N8COO

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 19:54:25 -0700 Clark Savage Turner
<csturner@slonet.org> writes:
> Curious, I have an RS-35M that keeps blowing the regulator, but it 
> does 
> it after some time of operation....like a day, sometimes a few 
> weeks, 
> then it goes out, supply shuts down.  At first I suspected the 
> little 
> regulator voltage pot, it is cheap, so I shot it with DeOxit and 
> wiggled 
> it, put a new regulator in (the thing is socketed from the last 
> owner, I 
> suppose this has been happening for some time!) - it worked for a 
> couple 
> of weeks, powering transmit / receive cycles just fine.
> There isn't much on the board, I can't see what could be killing the 
> regulator in there.  I will replace the pot just for good measure 
> (it 
> acted dirty when I set the voltage), but does anyone have any other 
> suggestions?  Ever see this problem?
> Clark
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