[TenTec] Fast Service

N0KHQ@aol.com N0KHQ@aol.com
Sat, 20 Jul 2002 07:03:32 EDT

I think I may hold the world record for fast service at Ten Tec. I received 
the antenna tuner for the Jupiter Tues. night...I thought I had installed it 
properly......but I didn't. Needless to say, I had to send the Up back. 
Packed it up and took it to work the next day....Wed. called TT talked to 
Scott first and then was transferred to Garry. I described what had happened 
and told him that I would ship the Jup over night from St. Louis to 
TT.......Garry says if you'll do that I can have the Jup out in 15min.
Shipped the Jup out at 9am Wed. it arrived on Garry's bench at 10am Thurs. 
Garry worked his magic and shipped the Up out over night Thurs. I got home 
from work Fri. afternoon and there it was. Whew!
Anyway, the Jup is working great, the antenna tuner is so fast that once you 
push the tune button and move your eyes to the SWR meter to watch it tune 
...its to late. The Jup is already tuned.
I experiment with a lot of home brew antennas.....so this Jup tuner will get 
a work out.

73 / John / N0KHQ / St. Louis

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