[TenTec] T T users net
William F. Mansey; WA2PVK
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 13:38:04 -0400
I had a lot of QRN to deal with (Natural NOT man made) and did not catch
that bit about Will giving up the net! I agree with Paul that Will and Jay
did an EXCELLENT job of running the net AND keeping it interesting. THANKS
I certainly do hope that someone will step in and run the net. I work
weekends and by the time I get home, cleaned up, and have supper I am lucky
if I can even get to check into the net! That fact combined with my modest
wire antenna(e) preclude me from even considering running the net. Will and
Jay are a tough act to follow! BUT hopefully someone will be up to the
challenge. 73, Bill; WA2PVK
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