[TenTec] FS: OMNI VI / Option 1 DSP Upgrade and Herc II Amp....K8ML....Mark Leslie

Mark Leslie rr1632@dragonbbs.com
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 15:35:46 -0400

FS: Omni VI with DSP upgrade Option 1...excellent condition...a 9.7 out =
of 10....upper and lower case are perfect...no dints, dings, =
scratches....one TINY smudge on face near keyer speed control =
knob....2.4 SSB filter [ same as when I got it ].......SUPER RIG AT A =
SUPER PRICE...$1000.00 and buyer pays the shipping.....can't go wrong =
with this one........

FS: Herc II ....mint ....10--160 mtrs.....$950.00 to your door.........

       TNX  ALL  !!!

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