KZ2G kz2g@optonline.net
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 16:33:59 -0400

Ok, guys and gals, thanks for your help and ideas.  Here's an update on my
motorized wheelchair hf/vhf/uhf mobile ham station.  I mounted my Yaesu
FT-100D on the side of my speedy 5 mph motorized wheelchair.  fits great.
it is being powered by a 22NF deep cycle gel cell, that also runs my
respirator.  the rig is set for 5 watts on HF and 1 watt on vhf/uhf.  don't
wanna kill my vent battery.  i need to breathe!  I mounted the Miracle Whip
antenna on a Diamond K540KM luggage mount.  it is mounted on the chair's
push handle.  I'll mount the AL-800 2-meter/440 whip on the  chair's other
push handle with another Diamond K540KM.  I already tried the Miracle Whip.
Works great.  got a perfect swr on 17-meters!  i love that band.  As soon as
the setup is complete, i'll put a pix on my website.  u can see my former
ham wheelchair mobile now on my website.  there's just the HT on that pix.
just click on the link below.  tnx, 73 and 88!

Bob, KZ2G --- 10-10 # 10148
        Omni 6 Plus & FT-100D, C U on CW!
        See my Ham web at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/kz2g.htm
  Check out my Art Sale at http://www.geocities.com/ram9872002/Artpage1.htm