[TenTec] "Entry" radio prices (Re: 516 Pricing)

Bill Steffey ny9h@arrl.net
Thu, 06 Jun 2002 15:52:36 -0500

here is a 'entry" radio :   http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/100

A NORCAL  40  !!!!


At 01:21 PM 6/6/02, Kevin Anderson wrote:
>Wayne wrote:
> > For me, I think the 516 is *the* $800.00 HF radio.
>$800 certainly seems to be the target price for a
>starting radio bought new these days.  From the website
>for Universal Radio, I find the following prices for
>what I might consider "entry" radios (for someone
>wanting a first HF radio):
>IC-718    $599.95 (after rebate coupon)
>FT-840    $629.95 (after rebate coupon through 6/30)
>FT-817    $649.95 (after rebate coupon)
>SGC-2020  $669.95
>Alinco DX-77 $739.95
>For each you'd have to add the power supply if you are
>new to HF radio, and if you want to be serious (or even
>semi-serious) about CW at least the 500 hz CW filter.
>The filter alone in most cases will bring the price up to
>the near $800 mark of the 516.  In that light, the 516,
>which already has the filters needed, is probably priced
>in the market (as long as one doesn't feel the push to
>have "standard" 100 watts).
>But as I suggested to Wayne in a private message, while
>it is true the 516 will certainly be a highly-featured
>rig for the $800, I suspect there is a group of people
>for which $800 is just too much in general (me included).
>At the original price of $595, I thought I might finally
>get to buy a new rig, but now I don't think so.  I have
>to wonder how many people are consigned to being able to
>start with only used rigs due to the prices of new.
>While I may be alone in my thinking (there seems to be
>plenty of new rigs being bought in the $1,000+ category)
>I have to wonder if T-T isn't "missing the boat" in the
>opportunity to serve an audience of largely uncounted
>numbers for which even $800, let alone 600 or less, is
>too much, yet want a new all-band HF radio.  (I realize
>that kit radios, especially single band or one's with a
>limited selection of bands, are certainly available, and
>plenty of people have started this way.  I am using
>all-band radios for comparison here because that is
>what the 516 represents in the market.)  Ten-Tec used to
>serve that market nicely with radios in the past -- obviously
>the "entry" costs have changed, and I haven't kept up with
>the changes...the 516 probably still fills that niche.
>Musings from Iowa.  73,
>Kevin, K9IUA
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>Kevin Anderson, K9IUA, Dubuque IA
>k9iua@juno.com - Opinions all my own
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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