[TenTec] Ham-Com & Ten-Tec

Joe Malloy jmalloy@stny.rr.com
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 17:54:07 -0400

Eric, the tuning rate on the Jupiter is adjustable from 1 Hz (where one spin
of the dial takes you about 120 Hz from the frequency and the last 2 numbers
are a blur while spinning the knob) to 100K (about 12,000,000 Hz per turn
but only the first three numbers change.  N4PY's software allows some more
control (Ten-Tec doesn't allow you 50 Hz or 500 Hz, for example, but Carl
does) in addition to the standard tuning rates.  Look at it this way: you
always *were* tuning so fast that you couldn't read the least significant
digits, but in the old analog days, you were happy to be about on
frequency -- now you're ticked if it's off from WWV even a smidge!  (Am I
revealing too much of myself here?)

The Jupiter is a fine mid-priced rig all around (I was on 40 AM today, it's
a blast!), no problems with the frequency display here!


Joe, W2RBA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-admin@contesting.com [mailto:tentec-admin@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of R. Eric Sluder
> Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 5:30 PM
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] Ham-Com & Ten-Tec
> While at Ham-Com I stopped by the Ten-Tec booth to see what was going
> on.  Not a lot of folks there at the time so I got to fiddle with
> the knobs
> on the Orion.  Nice radio, looks good and feels good!
> I am troubled by the display on it though... I noticed while
> tuning around
> that the numbers change so fast that you can't read them like when tuning
> my Paragon, it's just a blur.  So I stepped over to the Jupiter
> and noticed
> the same thing.  I'm not sure if it's because they're display models, or
> not.  I must admit I didn't like it, but I don't have much to compare it
> too.  Later I checked out another manufacturers radios with LCD displays
> and noticed a tuning appearance that one would see on a more conventional
> radio.  It could've been the tuning speed as well on the Ten-Tec rigs.
> Any of you Jupiter owners notice this... or maybe I was dehydrated at the
> time :^)  Anyway, the Orion sure seems to be a nice radio unless you must
> have a color display.  Personally, now that the VI+'s are available and
> more in-line with my price range I'll be looking there.  I'm not
> that much
> of an operator to warrant the bucks that the Orion dictate, but
> some of you
> will have a ball with it!