[TenTec] Ham-Com & Ten-Tec

William F. Mansey; WA2PVK res0wsci@verizon.net
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 22:40:48 -0400

Hello Eric,
    My Jupiter does that also.  It depends on the tuning-step size.  The
situation is less noticeable at the smaller tuning steps.  I never
considered it to be a problem since if I was spinning the knob that fast I
obviously was "going somewhere fast" and did not even look all that close to
the numbers until I slowed down.
    This is just because the display does not have enough time to form a
number before it changes to another one!  BUT - I think that even if the
display was able to fully display each individual digit - I do not think
that our eyes would be able to register the change!  Perhaps the display is
NOT the problem - Perhaps it really IS our eyes?  Just my humble opinion.
73;  Bill,  wa2pvk
PS:  I am looking forward to getting my fingers on an Orion.  Monochrome
display, fuzzy numbers and all!!!    I WANTS ONE!!!

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