[TenTec] Contesting with Jupiter

Chris Robson crobson@robsonco.com
Sun, 09 Jun 2002 12:26:25 -0400

Just a quick note to guys like me that can't run a contest without contest 
software, the latest Jup software ver.1.18 worked flawless with Carl's 
latest N4PY version 2.0 in the Jupiter logging mode & Writelog for 
Win.  Maybe I feel Murphy is always at my side, but this time Murphy was 
nowhere to be found. Loaded the Ver.1.18 into the Jup, flawless, Loaded 
N4PY software into the computer(I'm a new user!), flawless. Started 
Writelog for Windows and configured for Pegasus interface, flawless!
I can't wait to do Field Day with this combination, and since our local 
group looks to me to do something new and innovative, this will blow their 
socks off!
Thanks Carl for the Jup Logging Mode!

73, Chris KB3A