[TenTec] Ten Tec service
Vernon J. Kunes, Jr.
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 16:44:45 -0400
Bought a Corsair in the southwest US (I live in New York). Had the =
person I bought it from send it to Ten Tec with my letter telling them =
to fix what needed fixin', align what needed alignment, etc. Received =
the radio from Ten Tec yesterday. As usual (in Ten Tec's case), the rig =
was returned 100% again, and I'm extremely happy, except for one thing. =
It works so nice, I'm afraid I'm going to have to send my Corsair II to =
them for the same treatment!=20
While I'm at it, I'd just like to put in a word for the ham who sold me =
the radio. He is N0VA, Allen Smith. His description of the radio was =
excellent, and the deal went as smothly as any I have ever had. Thanks =
Allen. Vern N2YZS
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