[TenTec] eham centurion 0 review
William F. Mansey; WA2PVK
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 23:10:31 -0400
Hello All,
I am also of the opinion that opening the unit to locate the "offending"
loose screws and/or reason for the buzz would be my choice. Equipment can
be, and is, subjected to all sorts of shock and vibration during shipping.
Even when well packed and cushioned - - - "things" can happen! Especially
in the case of heavy transformers. I will admit that it was not MY unit and
therefore please take my opinion for just that - an opinion NOT a judgment.
I am hopeful that MY Orion arrives intact! AND I wish the same for
everyone else awaiting delivery of an Orion, or anything else, from Ten-Tec!
73; Bill
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