[TenTec] eham centurion 0 review

David Hammond dhhdeh@concentric.net
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 18:36:14 -0400

Hi Everyone,

Several of you commented on the Eham review yesterday about the negative
experience that one person encountered with the Centurion amp. I don't own
an amp so I cannot comment first hand. My point on writing is for a much
different reason.

Eham reviews have become a major contributing influence to major purchases
we all make. This afternoon I noted that something disturbing to me has
happened. The review has been removed by Eham from the product review

When I inquired as to why, I was informed by Eham that it did not meet the
definitions of a "Product Review" so it was moved into the "Company Forum
Category" elsewhere on the Eham site. Quietly moved to where it does not add
or subtract to the product rating score. Say it ain't so Joe!

IMO if that review did not reflect one man's opinion about a product's
performance I do not know what does. Ever see a favorable opinion on a
"company's performance" of any manufacturer so relocated by Eham when it
appears in any other "product review"?

I found the review to be reasonable, honest and forthright. Based on your
experiences you may or may not agree and that's your prerogative to so do.
But manipulating a reasonable opinion as was presented in that ham's review
reveals a flaw in Eham's process. This review as represented was a product
problem that was turned into a customer service problem plain and simple.

No one is perfect, me, you or Ten Tec and that's not what I mean to imply

Is it more than coincidental that Ten Tec is an Eham advertiser?  I hope

Buyer and reader beware!

73 de N1LQ-Dave