[TenTec] eham centurion 0 review

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wn3vaw@fyi.net
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 20:57:20 -0400

I just went & found the review item in question.

Sorry, it did not read like a product review, but a detailed explanation of
a service problem he had with TenTec, specifically related to a back order
on a bad High Voltage transformer.

To me, a "product review" talks about how the unit performed.  Very little
of this article concerned performance issues (about the only thing that was
even close was talking about "hum.")

I think the eHam Forum Managers involved can make a good case for moving
this article.  Now, I have no way of knowing how this article was brought to
their attention, but once this happened, I think they made the right

73, ron wn3vaw

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----- Original Message -----
From: Steve M <wmoorejr@cox.net>
To: tentec <tentec@contesting.com>; David Hammond <dhhdeh@concentric.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] eham centurion 0 review

Hello David,

I agree 100%. He owned the amp, wrote an honest review, it should stay in
the reviews. Notice the amp now has a perfect record?

      I seriously doubt anyone at eham just read it and said "oh this isn't
a valid review, we'll have to move this". Not without some whiners helping!

      This kind of %^$#& reminds me of recent insider trading scandals--they
both stink.

Steve  wd0ct

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Hammond" <dhhdeh@concentric.net>
To: "tentec reflector" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: [TenTec] eham centurion 0 review

> Hi Everyone,
> Several of you commented on the Eham review yesterday about the negative
> experience that one person encountered with the Centurion amp. I don't own
> an amp so I cannot comment first hand. My point on writing is for a much
> different reason.
> Eham reviews have become a major contributing influence to major purchases
> we all make. This afternoon I noted that something disturbing to me has
> happened. The review has been removed by Eham from the product review
> category.
> When I inquired as to why, I was informed by Eham that it did not meet the
> definitions of a "Product Review" so it was moved into the "Company Forum
> Category" elsewhere on the Eham site. Quietly moved to where it does not
> or subtract to the product rating score. Say it ain't so Joe!
> IMO if that review did not reflect one man's opinion about a product's
> performance I do not know what does. Ever see a favorable opinion on a
> "company's performance" of any manufacturer so relocated by Eham when it
> appears in any other "product review"?
> I found the review to be reasonable, honest and forthright. Based on your
> experiences you may or may not agree and that's your prerogative to so do.
> But manipulating a reasonable opinion as was presented in that ham's
> reveals a flaw in Eham's process. This review as represented was a product
> problem that was turned into a customer service problem plain and simple.
> No one is perfect, me, you or Ten Tec and that's not what I mean to imply
> but............
> Is it more than coincidental that Ten Tec is an Eham advertiser?  I hope
> not.
> Buyer and reader beware!
> 73 de N1LQ-Dave
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