[TenTec] Ten Tec Field Day

DK2GZ@aol.com DK2GZ@aol.com
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:42:50 EDT

Hello from Germany,

I used an OMNI 6+ during the IARU fieldday.

First wanted to supply the OMNI with a car batterie, buffered with a charger, but when the voltage went under 11.5 volt there was a chirpy sound on rx and also on tx-side.
Used a generator for the 220/12 voltage charger.

So in this stess situation I wanted to switch over to
a 12 volt powersupply(MO252) quickly.
Got plus and minus cords crossed with the OMNI still in line and switched on. Powersupply went up to 23 volt.
All the fuses were still o.k.!!!!

Switched off the OMNI, hookup the batterie cord again,
switched on the OMNI and the OMNI did work again.

So I was very happy that the OMNI did survived the
23 volt.

The Tentecīs are bullet proof.

Final result:910 qso and 168 multi(DXCC)
             from 160-10 in 24 hours
             as a single op
             with a new powersupply of course

73 de Harry, DK2GZ