[TenTec] eham centurion 0 review

tongaloa tongaloa@alltel.net
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 11:10:17 -0400

Some Ten Tec fans, as in fanatics, can't bear to see a bad word spoken. Eham
to their pressure and moves the 'review'. This shows both arrogance and
lack of respect
on behalf of eham, for both it's readers and advertiser.

Eham apparantly feels we don't have the sense to sort through the comments
on our own.
Nonsense! Without money to burn, who would base a purchase decision on one
comments, good or bad, in one forum? Eham also appears to believe that
TenTecs reputation
can't stand on it's own. Yes, arrogance and disrespect..

As for TenTec quality. I like the way most of the gear works but have never
cared for
the way much of it is put together. Sometimes the tradeoff makes the
ratio attractive, sometimes it doesn't. That's my opinion. Would eham move
it under pressure
from the fans? Or is it not 'offensive' enough?

Some of the retaliatory "5" reviews read like "Helen of Toy" advertising