[TenTec] IC part types - was Orion prototype

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 15:48:35 -1000

> In the RX-340, these are the A/D on boaard 81790,  AD7872JN
> and,  D/A,  same board,  AD7840JN  .
> Evidedntly these part numbers are OEM's just for Ten Tec.

Nope,  they are "standard" parts.  They take in/output IF signals
up to 40 kHz or so as input,  so they would have no problem
with the 16 2/3 kHz IF of the 340.  The input A/D is a $34
part;  the output,  about $12 ( in 100 pc. quantities).  They
are 0 to 70 C spec'd with 80 dB min SNR rating.  So,  not
big deal.

73,  Jim  KH7M