[TenTec] Microphones

WmLB@prefer.net WmLB@prefer.net
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 19:24:14 -0800

I don't want to start the mic discussion all over.. but.. I was 
wondering if Ten-Tec has ever produced a mic suitable for a "boom" 
type of installation. I really don't like hand-helds or desk mics 
when it comes to casual QSO'ing.

I am running a Heil with my Jupiter at the moment and also have a 
W2IHY EQ unit to compensate for the low input from the Heil.

So.. are there other alternatives....???

Maybe Ten-Tec has something in the works...other then the 701 and 705.


Costa Mesa, CA
Amateur Radio Station: W6WLB