Wed, 06 Mar 2002 23:33:03 -0800
I certainly hope the Orion designers have not overlooked an upgraded CW
zero beat detector for the radio. An accurate CW auto tune feature would be
fabulous. Like an improved version of the CW auto tuner in the TS
570. And/or an inexpensive visual indicator which will light up when a CW
station is zero beat would be great. The visual indicator is much better
and quicker than trying to match sidetone frequencies. Perhaps an indicator
will be incorporated in the computer control software.
There is a visual CW Zero Beat indicator in the FT 1000 MP. I was hoping
other manufacturers would catch on to this superior method of tuning in a
CW station. Maybe the Orion has something even better for zero beating? I
have built one for all my rigs. Just tune and when the LED lights the CW
signal is zero beat. Wonderful!
With all the great new features in the Orion please don't overlook an
improved Zero Beat system.
I feel this feature would be great for the CW ops!
Is there a CW auto tune feature or zero beat indicator in the Orion?
Rob WA6CW . .